Molten Salt Reactors
We believe the future for nuclear, is mass manufacturing of small reactors, with extensive quality checks. Easily installed and operated on site, and with a assembly line output of more than one reactor per day.
40 ft container sized reactor
Normally industry scales up the size of power plants in order to reduce cost, but this also increases the financial risk significantly. Financial risk is what drives the cost of nuclear. Our molten salt reactors are small and modular, allowing them to be manufactured at a fraction of the cost of classic nuclear reactors. Any desired output is then achieved by placing multiple reactors on site.
Removing the complexity for decision makers. Companies fear the responsibility of operating a nuclear plant, decommissioning, and handling nuclear waste. We take care of all of that and just deliver reliable and green energy to the customer.

Assembly line production
containerized molten salt reactors allows for mass manufacturing and assembly line production. No onsite reactor assembly is necessary, only installation. This enables us to bring low cost manufacturing to the nuclear industry.
Burning spent nuclear fuel
by kickstarting our reactors on long-lived "waste" left in spent fuel we're able to convert it to fission products, which only needs to be stored for 300 years while rapidly scaling global energy production without the need for uranium enrichment.
Thorium and molten salt
there’s already enough mining of thorium today, that we can get all the thorium we need to power all of current civilization for the next thousand years. However, its true potential as an energy source can only be realized when used as a molten salt.
Reactor output100 MWth
Temperature served to customers560 °C
Kickstarter fuelF7LiThPu
Moderatorunpressurized heavy water
Neutron spectrumThermal
Fuel cycleBurn-then-breed
Thorium the solution
Thorium is the only element that allows for a breeder reactor in thermal spectrum. This means that the power output per kg of fissile inventory can beat any other reactor.
Engineering focused approach to reactor development
Development is driven by extensive and iterative testing of components, which has already birthed several innovations
- Circulates molten salt continuously in a loop in which various materials/components can be inserted
- Flexible design allows for frequent modification to tests
- Test loops have already aided in the development, testing and verification of several reactor components
- Test data from customers is shared with Copenhagen Atomics lowering the Company’s own testing needs
Test loops are crucial in the development of molten salt reactors and allow for verification of reactor parts
The most advanced loop for lab tests currently available
Copenhagen Atomics’ 5th generation portable molten salt loop with two leak-tight barriers, 18 m3/h capacity pump, 700 °C furnace, and online web data monitoring.
LIBS System - can measure isotopes inside the radio-active molten salt in real time