Mass manufacturing thorium reactors

Company Roadmap

Copenhagen Atomics plans to sell energy at a lower price than any other
energy technology

Copenhagen Atomics will mass manufacture thorium reactors

Already in the early 2030s, we are likely to have installed capacity and speed that exceed any other nuclear company.

The first gigafactory will be able to install 15–50 GW of capacity per year. Read more

Conceptual visualisation of a 1GW power plant

Building, Testing, and Proving

Copenhagen Atomics has built more hardware and conducted more testing than most other nuclear companies.

We have already built two full-size reactor prototypes and are now building the third non-fission prototype.

Copenhagen Atomics plans to run its first nuclear chain-reaction at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in 2027. The Swiss national nuclear Lab.

We make the best work of our lives

At Copenhagen Atomics you will find people with real skills, building and solving engineering challenges with our own hands.

We chose tools and work processes that optimize result and minimize bureaucracy. Eg. using short voice messages and not long meetings. You will find engineers and top management working on the actual products in the workshop, innovating together.

Meet our team

Nuclear as a service

Copenhagen Atomics will finance, build, own and operate a fleet of autonomous reactors, eventually numbering in the thousands. This allows Copenhagen Atomics to sell nuclear as a service by transfering hot salt (heat) at 560°C to the customer. Metered by a very low annual flat fee.

Days of testing

The shortest route to a reliable product is lots of testing. So far, we’ve accumulated more than 10.947 days of testing on the components for our first reactor.

From 2019 - now
I expect more than half of all global energy by 2100 to come from thorium. Why? Because price is king.
Thomas Jam Pedersen
Co-founder & CEO

Ready to disrupt a trillion-dollar industry?


Until today, human-kind has only built nuclear reactors in the circle and triangle category.

Copenhagen Atomics is going to be the first ever to build reactors in the right column of this chart (pentagon). This will disrupt the entire global energy sector, with unbelievable low energy prices and fast deployment.

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